Title: Love According to Science
Series: Dirty Martini Running Club
Author: Claire Kingsley
Release: January 23, 2020
Genre: Steamy Romantic Comedy
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/46019955-love-according-to-science
Cover Designer: Kari March Designs
For psychology researcher Hazel Kiegen, science holds all the answers. Her decision to swear
off dating? Totally backed by her own calculations. Just don’t ask about her missing orgasms.
She hasn’t been able to science her way out of that little conundrum.
But her biggest problem? Corban Nash. He’s frustrating. Infuriating. And deliciously adorable,
but that’s neither here nor there. He claims to have cracked the code to falling in love, and
Hazel is determined to prove him wrong.
Corban Nash created the theory of accelerated intimacy after numerous successful tests on his
friends and family. Every couple who used his questionnaire fell in love, until Corban found
himself the last single guy in his social circle, and a groomsman in dozens of weddings.
The only problem is, it’s never worked on him. And science hasn’t explained why.
Despite being the lone aberrant data point, Corban believes in his research, and with his new
job, he’ll have the resources to prove it. Verifying his theory right under the nose of his
nemesis, Hazel Kiegen? Even better.
There isn’t a theory in existence that will make Hazel fall in love with Corban. Not even with
his sexy half-smile and temptingly muscular body. But from the moment these two rivals
meet, sparks fly. And when they put his questionnaire to the test, the results aren’t what either
of them expect.
Author Bio:
Heat, Heart, & Happily Ever After
Claire Kingsley writes sexy contemporary romance and romantic comedies. She loves sassy,
quirky heroines, swoony heroes who love their women hard, panty-melting sexytimes,
romantic happily ever afters, and lots of big feels.
She can’t imagine life without coffee, her Kindle, and the sexy heroes who inhabit her
imagination. She’s living out her own happily ever after in the Pacific Northwest with her
husband and three kids.
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Website: http://www.clairekingsleybooks.com/
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